

While we are consumed with the past or the future we can never truly experience the benefits that NOW holds. Through meditation, we can become a calmer version of ourselves so that we can really live and not lose precious time being busy.

Ironically, meditating and being mindful feels like the hardest task when you need it most. So I chose to participate in a Mindfulness and meditation with the Gawler Foundation in the Yarra Valley to put me beyond the reach of daily pressure. Then next hurdle was to move beyond the fear and panic that seems to set in before one can benefit from meditation and mindfulness. 

Participating in a dedicated retreat encouraged and guided my progress and by the end of the week, the fear gradually gave way to acceptance and mindfulness and the experience of life gradually gave way to something that felt a bit different – all through the practice of meditation.

Magnify the benefit by giving yourself a moment to breathe. And then, carry on with the calm a little bit more each day.


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9 Signposts On The Road To Supportive Relationships

Includes 6 action steps to help get you on the path to making real change.