Announcing the launch of Alithea

Announcing the launch of Alithea


Welcome to Alithea- more than a website Alithea is both an online and in real life destination, a beautiful place where you are welcomed free from judgement where you can simply be and share what is on your mind.

At Alithea, we are a team of counsellors and psychotherapists with established and valued networks with a holistic range of allied health practitioners. We bring to you decades of professional experience and a lifetime of practical resources and solutions to support you grow and flourish.

We have created Alithea in recognition that the decision to step into counselling or psychotherapy can be life changing and we wanted to expand the ‘circle of support’ we offer our clients so that you feel supported no matter where you are in the flow of your life. Our support doesn’t need to end.

See us at Alithea

Sure, sessions are an important, and often avital part of our time together, but we also realise that there are times in life when our support can be offered in different ways. We’ve responded to the changing needs of our clients by extending all the ways we can be of service to you – from moments of crisis, through to the subtle transitions of life, and all the spaces in between. 

More online

While we realise face to face sessions are typically the best approach, we also understand where you are in life, or indeed the world will affect access. So we are responding with online counselling services, and a range of online programs that you can access anywhere in the world, in your own time. 

Grow yourself

If your committed to continued growth, our face to face and online courses will be perfect to maintain your connection. We are always there providing tools for learning – to celebrate the wins, and to support you if life takes a U-turn. You will always be part of our community when you  need it.

Find Your Truth

Alithea is more than just a name – in fact it means ‘truth’ in Greek and is a word that truly captures the heart of what Alithea represents. We are a place to stop and press pause, where change happens safely.

The Alithea Way

Clarity, Strength, Honesty, Growth and Connection – More than words these are the essence of our offering to you – a respectful place of transformation and belonging, where understanding, courage and resilience is possible from the moment you enter our doorway! 

There’s an Alithea counsellor that can guide you through whatever it is that you’re going through.

Call to chat about how sessions can benefit you today. 


Welcome to Reina

Step into a true oasis of digital beauty we devised for your new beauty center, resort or spa website.

Monday to Friday 09:00 - 20:00 hrs
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00 hrs
Sunday 09:00 - 18:00 hrs

9 Signposts On The Road To Supportive Relationships

Includes 6 action steps to help get you on the path to making real change.