Stories that teach

Stories that teach

Through our stories, we can see myriad examples of emotion and courage. We meet the real heroes of our society; the people who face their demons and front up even when everything in their life is screaming at them to stay in bed or leave their partner or end a painful friendship. 

We wear different hats every day and throughout the day. I know I play the role of counsellor, mother, daughter, friend and business owner and, sometimes, I wonder who am I or where am I in this mix.

The anonymous stories shared here are offered with the permission of my clients. I’m writing them down because sometimes hearing about someone else’s experience can give you a clearer understanding about your own experience. Other times, a clear direction in the form of advice is needed to get life back in motion again.

Stories capture and discuss the moments that we experience at various times throughout life; the moments that get us moving again but with just a little more grace or just a little more compassion for ourselves and for others. 


So read on – the mash up of tears and laughter, hope and courage. These are the stories that make me want to get up each morning and help change my little piece of the world with the hope that we can all do the same in our own way.  


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9 Signposts On The Road To Supportive Relationships

Includes 6 action steps to help get you on the path to making real change.