Stories to tell

Stories to tell

What story do you need to tell most? By sharing our stories, we better connect with each other. Through stronger connections, we build stronger relationships with ourselves and each other and ultimately communities. We are brought to every moment in our life through our individual stories.

Sometimes, there are moments that seem to change the course of our life and my journey towards today can be traced back to a moment in motherhood 10 years ago. I overheard a conversation that triggered a realisation that I wanted more for my children and for myself. This moment revealed to me that I had unwittingly been living a life that was consumed by keeping busy, that I was not seeing (or wanting to see) what was really happening in my most significant relationship beyond my children.

Slowly, I started to see more, search deeper for meaning to try and make sense of how I had gotten to where I was. I started to discover that I had been reacting to life rather than living it and not connecting with myself. 

And so began my path of self-discovery: who am I? And what do I want? As I set foot on this path, I realised that if I could do this, so could anyone else with the right tools, skills and personal commitment.

Today I lead a very content life as a mother, friend, sister, daughter, and counsellor.  

Please connect with me and share your story. With the right support, change is possible and it gives me the greatest joy to be able to assist people on their journey to leading more fulfilling and authentic lives.


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9 Signposts On The Road To Supportive Relationships

Includes 6 action steps to help get you on the path to making real change.